Do not over spend energy, optimize it today!

Case Study 02 - 40%

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 This resulted in a greater than 40% reduction in cost or $475,000

In all three case studies, most of the energy and cost savings strategies realized below were implemented through incorporating daily operational changes and best practices from time of day scheduling to minimizing air flows. Our focus was on Low cost, no cost energy conservation measures (ECM) and the involvement of facility staff and assist in the implementation process.

Detailed Energy Savings

Results as compared to Baseline (Based on 12 month totals

Source EUI (kBtu/ft2) shows a 40% reduction or -191.4

Site EUI (kBtu/ft2) shows a 45% reduction or -100.2

Estimated Avoided Cost reduction from Portfolio Manager target of $479,870 or 43%

Results as compared to Median Hospital (Based on 12 month totals)

Source EUI (kBtu/ft2) shows a 38% reduction or -176.5

Site EUI (kBtu/ft2) shows a 38% reduction or -75.6

Avoided Cost reduction of $390,733 or 38%

Energy Star Certification

We will help your business get certified!

Enlighten Energy Consulting has a proven record of favorable outcomes in regards to utility tracking and energy reduction methods. Initial set up will include bench marking of current energy use per facility in the Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager Data Base and internal utility summary. Call us today to find out how your facility may benefit at 832-578-0140